
St. John of Kronstadt

A Parish of the Orthodox Church in America

2800 Holdrege St. Lincoln, NE 68503. (402) 475-7716


St. John of Kronstadt

A Parish of the Orthodox Church in America

2800 Holdrege St. Lincoln, NE 68503. (402) 475-7716

Every person that walks through the doors of this church is here for their salvation, but they are also here for our salvation and we are here for theirs.
— Fr. James Dank on parish life

Christ is in our midst!

He is and ever shall be!

St John of Kronstadt Church is an Orthodox Christian Church and is part of the Orthodox Church in America under Archbishop DANIEL of Chicago.  We are located in Lincoln, NE at the corner of 28th and Holdredge Streets. We look forward to seeing you!


About Us

About Us

Come and See


     8:30am Matins (Morning Prayer)

     10:00am Divine Liturgy

Live Stream

Monday | Wednesday * | Friday

     6:30pm Vespers (Evening Prayer)


     5:30pm Catechesis taught by Mike Katalenich

6:30pm Great Vespers (Evening Prayer)

Feast Days

8:30am Matins (Morning Prayer)

     10:00am Divine Liturgy 

See Calendar

*Healing services are offered the last Wednesday of the month at 6:30PM. All are welcome. This is a non-sacramental service of prayer and anointing with oil for the healing of soul and body. This is a great opportunity to share and experience the Orthodox Church with family and friends. 


"Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord"

James 5:14


The Divine Liturgy is offered on Sundays and on Feast days. The service consists of readings and Psalms, a Gospel and sermon, and culminates with our partaking of the Holy Eucharist. 


Vespers services are offered four times per week in the evening. Occasionally, we will hold Vigils which include Matins the night before Major feasts of the Church.


The “Hours” are part of the daily cycle of prayers. They are four relatively brief prayer services of the daily cycle that mark the various principal hours of the day.


Check the calendar

The life of the Orthodox Church and her members is best seen through the services of the Church. Our parish is blessed with the dedication of clergy, readers and members, allowing us to celebrate many of the daily services. The Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom and St Basil have been celebrated by the Orthodox church since the fourth century. Read more about it here.





What to expect

An Orthodox service is a rich and full experience with much to understand and appreciate. We welcome you to come and worship with us. 


What we believe

 The Orthodox Church practices the original ancient traditions through the liturgical cycle and divine mysteries or sacraments. 


Links & Suggested Reading

There is a lot of information out there for anyone wanting to learn more about the Church. Check out our reading list, links, and suggested blogs!